What is Nerd DAO?
Nerd DAO is a post-work collective of highly capable individuals who gather to talk about anything related to being a Nerd. we tend to talk about cryptocurrencies and the latest developments in science art technology politics and economics. everyone is welcome and its free to join as long as you stay nerdy.
A word about myself. I'm known online as At0x.eth. Before being in crypto I became a M.D but took interest in data science and worked with a research group publishing several papers. Basically, I have always been a huge nerd. I used to play countless hours of WoW as a kid and have been running VR side hustles for over 5 years now.
I've been aware of blockchain for a long time but did only start participating around june 2020 because covid made me reconsider my carreer choice. When I first joined into crypto telegram madness, I found there was no room for deep technical discourse if it was not related to a "when pump" statement. In a space where "in it for the technology" is used as a joke I needed to create a group where we're really in it for the tech. a place for Nerds.
Enter The NerdQuartersโ
The Nerdquarters is the core of the Nerd community. We have created an open source community where nerds come and share information to make sense of it together. It is also a place for newcomers to ask questions and avoid repeating the same mistakes we've already learned from.
As we have grown we have started to interact with alot of new tools for decentralized communities which have allowed us to coordinate to embark on several ventures. We dont need venture capital money because we do everything in house. We just want to have fun and experience the growth of the infinite machine.
The Nerd DAO is the on chain representation of the NERD commuinity. We created the DAO using EthOS. EthOS is a permissionless and decentralized governance protocol that allows anyone to create their own DAO with its own token, treasury and governance interface. We are one of the earliest external users of EthOS.
The Nerd DAO is not explicitly intended to be a for profit venture. The initial tokens were airdropped to members of the telegram chat. Over 80% of the supply is still held by the Treasury wallet. There are no insider backers and nobody has special privileges or access over the token. Furthermore the NERD Treasury owns the initial LP used for the token. However, we have undertaken for profit ventures in the form of products and services such as our Nerd Fungible Trust group investment and our upcoming [Redacted] trading platform which will pay fees to the DAO.
Through all these ventures and experiences we have learned a thing or two about how the metaverse is being built. We have also started to etch our own corned of the metaverse by starting to interconnect experiences and information through Web3 interfaces. As our network becomes more expansive we're starting to learn what the metaverse really is and how its different from the way we used to do things. As proof, here's a picture of our latest development meeting for one of our projects.
Nerd DAO Metaverse Manifestoโ
We believe that the Metaverse is a series of interconected experiences through which an individual can traverse while preserving their identity.
- In that context we believe that the role of the Nerd DAO is to create and connect experiences for its members to traverse. We are here to buidl our corner of the Metaverse.
We believe that a metaverse is a place for human connection and therefore our goal is to make it enticing for people to inhabit our spaces in order to collaborate, play and learn together.
We know that the metaverse HAS to be fun. If the metaverse feels like work, you're not doing it right.
Nerd has no papers of incorporation, no headquarters, nor even a list of names and locations for its contributors
We follow Yearn's radical decentralization model. Which means that anyone can join up our community and contribute. Join the Nerdquarters chat! We are always talking about the daily happenings and there's plenty of people eager to explain away any questions others may have. Once you are there you can join our development groups or create your own and recieve help and guidance from the other nerds on how to apply your time to start your crypto adventure.
Nerds <3 EthOSโ
The purpose of the NERD delegation for ETHOs will be to create venues and opportunities to showcase the power of the ETHOS protocol as a tool to build an online community. By creating forkable products that solve different challenges nerds face (such as trustless bitcoin bridges or AI NFTs) we can increase useage of the EthOS protocol by enhancing the smart contract landscape of the base layer [what a sentence!!]
Adittionaly NerdDAO will spearhead the organization of a recurrent hackathon and digital event to showcase and support projects built with the EthOS stack. We will demonstrate how different problems can be solved using the codebase and have a dev team trained to create front ends for contracts deployed using EthOS factories.
Scope of the NERD Delegationโ
The purpose of the NERD delegation is to showcase EthereansOS protocol asa a tool to build decentralized communities. this includes several avenues:
1) Utilizing and showcasing the use of EthOS protocol on products developed by Nerd 2) Creating a starter kit to simplify developing interfaces with EthOS products 3) Organizing events to communicate the goals of the protocol, create products that leverage the EthOS stack and showcase products and communities built on it