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· 6 min read


At the heart of our modern world lies an elegant, yet fundamentally flawed concept: Intellectual Property (IP). It stands as a guardian, insisting that ideas can and should be owned, and that this ownership must be legally protected. However, this model, when scrutinized against the inherent nature of ideas, begins to show its cracks.

Ideas are not tangible assets limited by physical boundaries; they are endlessly replicable, escaping the traditional constraints of scarcity and exclusivity. Moreover, they are rarely solitary in origin. More often than not, they are a blend, a remix of existing thoughts, challenging our definitions of originality and ownership.

Then, there's the Internet - an accelerant that fuels both the spread of ideas and the growth of piracy. The very same piracy, in a twist of irony, can sometimes foster virality, driving increased visibility and potential benefit for creators. We're left wrestling with a paradox: applying principles of scarcity to information, an entity that is, for all intents and purposes, infinite.

As we grapple with these contradictions, a new contender has entered the ring: Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). These blockchain-based assets offer an intriguing alternative in the battle against piracy. Could they hold the key to resolving the inherent complexities of Intellectual Property? Join us as we delve into this captivating discussion.

Understanding NFTs

Before delving into how NFTs can combat piracy, it's important to understand what they are. NFTs are a type of cryptographic token on a blockchain that represents a unique item or piece of content. Unlike cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, which are fungible and can be exchanged on a like-for-like basis, NFTs are unique; they have specific information or attributes that set them apart from each other. This means that one NFT is not equal to another NFT, hence the term "non-fungible."

NFTs and Intellectual Property

NFTs are creating new ways to manage and protect intellectual property in the digital world. When an artist mints an NFT, they effectively link their artwork or creation to a token on the blockchain. This process creates an immutable record of ownership for that specific piece of work. Furthermore, NFTs can contain smart contracts that can execute actions such as royalty payments every time the NFT changes hands, providing ongoing revenue streams for creators beyond the initial sale.

NFTs: The Piracy Solution?

So, how can NFTs help combat piracy? Piracy often occurs when digital content is copied and distributed without authorization from, or compensation to, the original creator. NFTs, however, provide a mechanism for proving and maintaining ownership in a decentralized and secure manner. A piece of digital art associated with an NFT cannot truly be 'owned' by a pirate because the original NFT remains with the rightful owner.

Even if the digital file were to be copied, these duplicates would not have the value associated with the original NFT. This is akin to owning a print of the Mona Lisa — it's not the same as owning the original. It's this uniqueness and provenance that give NFTs their value and provide a novel way to combat piracy.

Changing the Incentive Structure: Artists and Owners

One of the key ways NFTs are transforming the digital landscape is by altering the incentive structure between artists and content owners. Traditionally, once a piece of art is purchased, the buyer has no direct financial incentive to protect the creator's copyright. They might share or even reproduce the artwork, reducing its value and potentially infringing upon the creator's rights.

NFTs change this dynamic entirely. The value of an NFT is intrinsically tied to its uniqueness and scarcity. If an owner of an NFT-linked artwork were to freely distribute copies of the art, they would be effectively diluting the value of their own investment. The token's inherent worth is directly tied to its exclusivity and rarity. Thus, NFT owners have a strong financial incentive to preserve this scarcity by not sharing the content they've paid for freely.

Moreover, the smart contracts embedded in NFTs can be programmed to give original creators a percentage of the proceeds every time the NFT changes hands. This mechanism ensures that artists continue to benefit from their work even after it has been sold, which incentivizes them to create more valuable content.

Why Isn't This Understood Properly?

Despite its transformative potential, the role of NFTs in combatting piracy and their influence on incentive structures is not well-understood by the broader public. There are several reasons for this:

  • Complexity: The concept of NFTs and the technology underpinning them is complex and can be daunting for those not familiar with the world of blockchain and cryptocurrency. As a result, many people may not fully grasp how NFTs work and the benefits they offer.

  • Maturity of the market: The NFT market is still relatively new and evolving. As with any emerging technology, it takes time for its full implications to be understood and accepted by the mainstream.

  • Misconceptions: There's a common misconception that NFTs are simply about selling digital art for high prices. The broader implications of NFTs, including their potential to combat piracy and change incentive structures, are often overlooked.

Decentralized Regulation: A Feature of NFTs

Traditionally, the enforcement of intellectual property rights has been dependent on established legal systems and regulatory bodies. With the advent of NFTs, however, this approach is being significantly challenged. This is because NFTs possess an inherent mechanism for regulation: smart contracts.

Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code. They are stored on the blockchain, which means they are decentralized, transparent, and immutable. In the case of NFTs, smart contracts can be programmed to automatically execute certain actions upon the fulfillment of specific conditions, such as transferring ownership or paying royalties to the original creator every time the NFT is sold.

With this capability, NFTs essentially integrate regulatory mechanisms within their operation. There's no need for an external body to enforce ownership or royalty payments — the smart contract does this autonomously. It's a kind of self-regulation built into the technology itself. This implies that, for NFTs, traditional intellectual property laws and enforcement methods may become less relevant.

The potential for artists here is considerable. By moving to NFT-based publishing, they can bypass many of the complexities and inefficiencies associated with traditional IP laws. Instead of relying on third parties for enforcement, they can have direct control over their intellectual property, with the assurance that their rights are automatically protected by the blockchain. In summary, intellectual property, while rooted in well-intentioned principles, faces numerous challenges in our modern, interconnected world. As we continue to grapple with these issues, we must strive to strike a balance between protecting individual creativity and fostering collective knowledge and progress.


· 7 min read


A lot of innovation in crypto comes from the discorvery of novel revenue models and funding mechanisms. One only needs to look at the ICO craze and the NFT summer as examples of novel revenue models that brought a slew of new use cases to the ecosystem. Each of these mechanisms leveraged a property of decentralized networks to create never before seen capital transfers. However in time they also highlighted their weaknesses as market participants realized once again that there are no silver bullets.


Currently the entire crypto space is grappling with the problem of long term revenue streams. Both ICOs and NFT drops struggle after the main raise to keep revenue as volumes arent guaranteed in perpetuity and the market attention moves elsewhere. In the same vein, projects struggle to find mechanisms to gracefully capture value for their token or treasury without creating friction (and fork potential) for the entire protocol.

Lens-Power: Decentralized graphs as content distribution platforms.

Lens Protocol is NOT a social media app. It is a decentralized social graph. A Social Graph is a model representing relationships in a social network. In other words, Lens is the backend for all the web3 apps that want to use a social component.

Web 2.0 companies use social graphs to personalize content, exploit network effects, and analyze user behavior for insights. these companies, like Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, monetize the social graph by using your data and relationships to serve targeted advertisements and curated content, thereby influencing what you see and interact with, and often generating significant revenue in the process.

Decentralizing the social graph means users own and control their own data, enhancing privacy and enabling cross-platform interactions. This also means that users can monetize their own content however they see fit. Furthermore, it means that individual developers can create experiences that are distributed on the Lens graph thus opening the doors for a whole new class of software.

The Current State of the Lens Garden: A Web2 Remake.

As far as I can tell every product developed on lens so far has taken a web2 approach to the implementation of the social graph. This means that the available products right now are more or less recreating their Web2 counterparts such as:

Although this is a prefectly valid approach and these interfaces are very much needed, in my opinion they currently fail to fully capitalize on the best qualities of the lens protocol (Although they will be the most used interfaces for a long time).

How to Wield the Lens Powr

Behind the features that we all are familiar with on a social network lens has an added two extra tools that changes the game entirely: Collect, and Referral Fee.

Collect: Take The Power to Take.

With the collect module, the lens protocol gives the power to monetize the content to the content creator. In a nutshell, it allows posts to be purchased, much like an NFT mint, with predetermined conditions. Authors can make their content limited by time or edition size and they can split revenue among different participants, enabling trustless collaboration.

ReferalFee: Take The Power to Give

The referal fee is probably the most underappreciated feature in the entire protocol at the moment, perhaps because it is not immediately apparent how it works. In a nutshell if Bob posts something with a referal fee, then Alice shares Bob's post to her feed, and Steve, who follows Alice, collects it then Alice gets paid a % of the revenue that Bob has set as the referallFee.

The Smart Bot User.

One of the things that can be done using the lens protocol is to rethink the user as more than just a regular individual. If we abstract the Social Graph as a content distribution network. ( I post something, my followers see it, they share and their followers see it = content distributed ). A user can be seen as a node in this network and their followers are the list of nodes that "subscribe" to the user node.

In this regard. I believe that there is a new class of users: Smart Bot User that can leverage this new kind of network to provide serivces to other nodes and therefore turn into anchor points for the network.

What is a Smart Bot User? A Smart Bot User is a lens profile that is owned by a server or smart contract instead of an end user. This smart bot executes a predetermined logic that other users can call on however the developers see fit.

Users can rely on the smart bots to enhance their reach in the network. For example, by paying to get their posts shared or owning a group feed that can post to a greater number of nodes or post content to a curated feed that will reach their intended audience and enable the end user to monetize their own content. By adding collect modules that split revenue between users and smart bots and add a referal fee on top we can create a new business model enabled by decentralized social graphs. This is the basis for the curator economy. In it value can be extracted from content by distributing it widely on specialize dnetworks which distribute the value generated back to all participants.

Putting it in Practice: SavePointGPT.

To illustrate these ideas I created a project called SavePointGPT. SPGPT is an application that will take a chatGPT unique share link, encrypt it and post it on Lens alongside with a comment (hopefully) describing its contents. This enables any user to monetize their chatGPT conversations in a new medium: Dialogues.

The value of dialogue.

Arguably, the most powerful form of communication we have is dialogue. Not because it transmits information, but because it generates knowledge. For the first time in history we have this Aristotle like figure in LLMs that we can ask questions to and capture knowledge that we can share, just like Jimmy Neutron's chewable books dialogue chews knowledge into easily digestable bites that we can ingest.

Much like video cameras produce "moving pictures". ChatGPT conversations are "moving conversations". Users can reformulate questions and keep the thread going with the existing context in order to experience the thought process of the author as he conversed with the AI.

How its Done:

I'm using my trusty do-it-yourself web3 stack comprised of scaffold-eth as a NextJS/Typestcrypt framework and the Lens SDK to publish posts on lens.

The client and the server do input validation to make sure you're sharing the correct link format. Then it sends an encrypted post to the savePointGPT profile. using the LensSDK

Once the post is created a comment is automatically added to let everyone know what the hidden link is about. THe posts appear on ANY interfaced used by a user who follows this account. This makes SavePointGPT the best way to share and monetize your chatGPT dialogues.

The default split for every post sale is as follows:
  • Collect

  • 99% goes to the original poster
  • 1% goes to save-point-gpt

  • ReferalFee

  • 10% of the total sale is set as referalFee

Try it out!

Testnet link:


In the NerdQuarters we are commited to open source development. WIth that in mind we have to design for open systems. Instead of having a proprietary secret sauce i'm making the entire code available on my github. The output of the protocol is meant to serve as a building block: a unique identifier to a specific conversation with an AI. This could be used to create many things, such as online courses, , a dictionary, doctor prescriptions, escape room experiences, DnD adventures, interactive novels, school curriculums, etc. Aditionally I think that theres a need for many individual smart bots, each curating a thread of posts.

If you want to use this for your own ideas, let me know! I want to help.



Join the Nerds:

· 3 min read


As stated in our delegation proposal post our main goal is to showcase EthOS through easy to fork implementations of the protocol that showcase its power and help us drive the adoption of EthOS. With that in mind we have been working on several initiatives to do just that and keep building like we always have.

NerdOS x BuidlGuidl

EthOS-Scaffold Starter Kit

BuidlGuidl is a collective of web3 builders that use scaffold-eth as a common development framework. The BuidlGuidl is incentivizing builders to create using this framework via streams that are deliverded upon proof of continued work in a project.

In order to make it simple to start working with EthOS we are going to create a series of starter kits that can be forked into any product. We are going to start by creating a kit to have your own front end for your covenants farm.

BuidlGuidl Grant!

Our delegation recieved 10ETH in funding to bootstrap our development we will submit a proposal linking to this post to forward 2.5 ETH to the BuidlGuidl multisig in order to pay out a stream for builders who work with EthOS in their submitted builds. This includes helping out

NerdOS Delegation Developer funding

In order to be able to complete our stated goals we want to guarantee incentives for core contributors that can coordinate the work required to ship our deliverables. The funding we have recieved to bootstrap the delegation will be used to compensate the work done to as tracked through our deWork page. We will submit a coordinape report along with the proposal to retrieve the funds from the delegation.

Nerd Fungible Tokens

Nerds love NFTs. We have created 2 collections of 10,000 AI nfts and to explore the latest in Synthography. We have also used Items to create a trading fund which owns a checkmark doodle.

We are going to keep experimenting with Items in all of our products. We have designed to include the prompt as metadata attributes which allows us to use this collection to make our own Items. We plan to create incentivized pools for both Superheroes and Supervillains by deploying covenants that yield NERD tokens for liquidity provision on uniswapV3 using wrapped AI-Universe tokens.

NERD token updates

Over a longer period of time the intention is to migrate the NERD DFO into an EthOS guild. Until we can do that through the front end we will work on deepending the liquidity of the token by increasing the distribution through a set of covenants.

The goal of these farms is going to be to deepen the liquidity of the Nerd ecosystem as a whole including: $TRDL, vBTC, our structured products such as the vNFT fund. We also plan to incentivize liquidity for our upcoming ITEM decks using our latest collection @AI_UniverseNFT as well as @RegenzNFT


  • Scaffold-EthOS starter kits for Covenant farms
  • BuidlGuidl grant allocation for EthOS buidlrs
  • AI_Universe Decks for Univ3 liquidity incentives
  • NERD covenants & token distribution update

· 4 min read


NerdCon: Visiting the Network State

Devcon is an annual conference for Ethereum developers and other interested parties. This year, it was held in Bogota, Colombia. For a week, participants discussed Ethereum development and other related topics.

One of the main goals of Devcon is to build a strong network of developers who can work together to improve Ethereum and create new applications using its technology. In this way, Devcon also serves as a sort of "network state" - a community with the capacity for collective action that can fund territory around the world and eventually gain diplomatic recognition from pre-existing states.

A side note on the the venue for the conference, Agora: It is a huge, imposing structure located in the heart of Bogota. It's one of the largest convention centers in all of South America, and it's constantly buzzing with activity. The building has a long and storied history, and it's played a major role in the development of Bogota.

The Agora Building was originally built back in 1954. It was initially used as a livestock market, but it soon became clear that there was much more potential for the building. In 1967, the Agora building was repurposed into a convention center. This proved to be a major boon for Bogota, as the city quickly became a major destination for conventions and trade shows.

This was a perfect setting to host the Network State, and the organizers went above and beyond to make sure that everyone had a great time. The main talks of the conference were very insightful, and it was great to see so many people come together to discuss ways to scale Ethereum and resist censorship.

I like to think of the Network State as a "collective of collectives" where everyone is representing the communities they belong to. This was evident at Devcon, where developers from all over the world came together to showcase their projects and share their experiences. One of the main benefits of being part of this community is the ability to radically collaborate.

The only real way to become part of the network state is to join one of the communities that makes up the network state. I came into DevCon representing NerdQuarters but also connected to and ended up representing the BuidlGuidl. The is a collective of web3 builders that believe that by sharing ideas and working together, we will able to make faster progress than what we would have been able to achieve on our own. The Guild has a tool Scaffold-ETH that makes it easy to start developing in Web3. We then spent the whole time talking to other projects about how we could coordinate to create even more compelling use cases. Its a community built on the Open Source ethos and composability.

My time with the buidlguidl let me experience firsthand the support and camaraderie that members provide one another. This was especially apparent during the week-long conference, where developers were eager to help one another learn new skills and solve problems. We were showcasing which is a tool to learn Web3 development and make it easty to start making dapps. We heard from many atendees that told us that the speedrun helped them to understand Web3 or that they had used it to write the smart contracts that won ETHBogota.

The sense of community that exists within the BuidlGuidl is incredibly valuable, as it allows members to feel like they are a part of something larger than themselves. The buidlguidl supports its members by giving streams to meaningful crontributions. We also will play a key role between protocols and developers by creating starter kits along with prizes that incentivize our members to discover new protocols and create the next big thing on chain.

The future of the BuidlGuidl and the network state it represents is bright. With more and more people getting involved in Ethereum development, the community will only continue to grow and thrive. Overall, DevCon was an incredible experience and everyone who attended should be very proud of what they have accomplished. The parties at the conference were also a lot of fun, and it was great to see so many people come together to celebrate this amazing technology.

Join the Nerds!🤓✉🤓

· 4 min read


The Observable Universe is finite, and it hasn't existed forever. It extends 46 billion light years in every direction from us. However, when telescopes fail our imagination can take us to infinity and beyond. A revolutionary new kind of camera was recently invented. Instead of turning light into pictures, it turns ideas into pictures using AI.This new kind of camera replicates what your imagination does. It receives words and then synthesizes a picture from its experience seeing millions of other pictures. the result is a synthograph (meaning synthetic drawing). With these synthographs we can explore the Infinite Universe.

Infinite Universe Alliance

The Infinite Universe Alliance is a collection of 10,000 unique Captains(and Gods!) that inhabit the Infinite Universe. The collection was created using a structured prompt with distinct elements that determine the NFT's attributes. We have spent over 400 hours of computing time and picked each output individually to imagine impossible and unique Superheroes, Supervillains and Gods that create a rich internal narrative that you can build on as you please.

We hope that this sets the stage for the community to collectively create a galaxy of stories in which these entities strive for survival, control and expansion throughout the Infinite Universe

How we did it

In order to create a cohesive collection we designed a structured prompt. Each part of the prompt is turned into a trait in the collection. In the table below we show some examples of how the prompts are structured.

Captain🔮 🐌robotSuperherochaotic neutral
CaptainincrediblewarriorSupervillianchaotic good
Captain🔥star---------------Superherochaotic neutral
God of🔥🍌------------------------------chaotic neutral

We started by determining whether it's a Captain or a God, then we chose their defining characteristics and the subject modifier. The subject modifiers were discovered in the process of generating thousands of variations. Examples of modifiers are robot, samurai, zombie. These keywords act as a filter for the AI which create a specific look that we can mix with the other portions of the prompt.

To maintain consistency, we divided all captains into either Superheroes or a Supervillains . Finally, we used the standard alignment chart made popular in tabletop RPG games to create a variety of unique outputs for each prompt. The result is a collection of 10,000 completely unique characters that share a consistent set of traits through which many different power levels themes and styles are represented.

Built in Provenance

A side effect of synthography is that every output contains a hash that corresponds to the Midjourney job ID that created it. This will also be encoded as an extra trait that will allow users to verify the provenance of the NFT down to the timestamp when it was created. The collection was generated over 10 days of nonstop spamming prompts between a few synthers that jammed off of each other ideas to create all the variety that we now present. Someone could determine who came up with the original zombie (Doug09 did) and then you can see them appear across the collection and become one of the features of the middle part of the generation. As more people joined in new concepts are included which are then explored by the group. Overall creating this collection has been an incredible experience in imagination, collaboration and creative expression.

THIS IS NOT A METAVERSE, it's an Infinite Universe

The NFT market is filled with projects selling you their "Metaverse". However, we believe that they're all wrong. A metaverse is a collection of universes you can traverse. We already live in the metaverse. It's made out of our base reality plus the Star Wars Universe, the Marvel Universe, the Bored Ape YC universe and so on. Maybe they dont know it, but they're all building their own Universe, which is a PART of THE Metaverse.

The purpose of the NFT collection is to establish a base cannon where all of the entities we created exist within the same Infinite Universe. That means that owning an NFT of this collection gives you the ability to tell a part of the story of the AI-U yourself. With synthography you can create an infinity of worlds, challenges and adventures for your character to explore. Collectively the sum of these stories will create the most awesome adventure ever told.



Twitter: @AI_UniverseNFT


· 6 min read

From all over the world Nerds have travelled to Bogota, Colombia to participate in the EthBogota hackathon and DevCon. The hackathon has come to an end with over 900 hackers participating and over 200 projects made over a single weekend. It is the biggest hackathon ever in LatAm.

The main goal of these events is to connect Ethereans together and strenghen the community around creating cool stuff. I'd like to share my experience so that buidlers who are on the fence about participating in these events can get a sense of how cool it is to get together and buidl with buidlers in the same buidling.

Once you decide to go to a Hackathon you should start brainstorming about what you would like to buidl. It can literally be anything but I personally like to think about a specific problem i'd like to solve. At first it may feel like a pretty daunting task. But the most important thing about these events is that you're not alone. If you cant come up with anything its time to talk to other people and see what theyre trying to build and join the team that you find the most interesting. Although you can hack solo, you have way better chances if you join up with others that can complent your skillset and bring new ideas into the project. runs the hackathon events like a well oiled machine. You have plenty of avenues to reach out and connect to other people and there are several mentors available alongisde with the teams that sponsor the event in order to get more people to use their stack. I met my team members through the discord chat and after a team building event early on. At the event itself you have infinite coffee and plenty of food to keep you going throughout the weekend. ALthough the internet does get shoddy at times with all the npm installs going on.

Let the Hack Begin!

Once your team has been formed and the hackathon officially begins. Its off to the races. Every team has a different strategy, but there are some important things to consider. The goal of the event is to showcase an idea, not necesarily a production stage. You want to get to the proof of concept as soon as possible and then build extra functionalities on top. You can stay at the venue 24/7 and a big percentage of people do, but it is also important to pace youself so that you can do good presentations at the end.

An important thing to keep in mind is that you dont necesarly need to be a super coder to participate in these events. There is a lot of work to be done in any project around documentation, graphic design, product ideation and narrative that really makes a difference to make your project stand out.

The judging process for the hacks is very brief and you dont really get too much time to go over small details, so its important to get straight to the point and try to have a long lasting impression. At the end of the day the Hackathon is not about winning but rather sharing ideas and connecting to people. I hope more Nerds will start participating in these events soon. Here is our submission to the hackathon. If you find it interesting and would like to help out with this idea feel free to reach out at the NerdQuarters.

A community-based protocol to issue crypto-backed money



  • To create a system that communities can leverage to issue their own trustless paper money backed entirely by crypto deposits.
  • Onboard community leaders into crypto and enable them to lead by example in the adoption of web3.
  • To increase the transactability of Ethereum based products by introducing them into the heart of the Latin American community: the corner store. allowing recipients to purchase food and other vital supplies with crypto money



In order to gain mass adoption, Web3 protocols need to start with the simplest use cases in order to address the needs of a majority of the world's population. The singular most impactful use case for blockchains is to serve as money. Money has three main characteristics: it serves as a store of value, as a medium of exchange, and as a unit of account. These three characteristics are not independent of each other since once any kind of money has value it can be used to fulfill those three functions. However, we can argue that there are some forms of money that are better than others at one of these aspects while lacking in others.

Crypto vs Fiat as a Medium of Echange

FungibleRequires Onboarding

Ranking of the online banking penetration in Latin America and the Caribbean by Country 2020

Smartphone penetration in Latin America

How to leapfrog LatAm over Online Banking into Web3?

Do what Online Banking couldn't:

Replace fiat paper.

With Crypto Paper

Pitfalls ToDO & future work

1) Protect claims from frontrunning when supplying private & public key

- Future hash commit the withdraw transaction (a la ENS)
- ZK proof of ownership of secret pair for withrdrawal

2) Decentralize further by giving trusted community leaders the ability to issue new papers themselves

- PolygonId based reputation enables issuing allowance
- MPC to create a split secret that allows printing bills on regular printer at home

How to scale: Decentralize the printer

→ Corner stores are at the heart of Latin American communities

→ Store owners already provide several financial services: Cash in checks, pay for utilities, mobile phone plans

→ A reputation system can be implemented to represent existing trust on-chain

→ Trusted store owners can print papers as a service for customers who then add their balance


Join the Nerds:

· 5 min read


What is Nerd DAO?

Nerd DAO is a post-work collective of highly capable individuals who gather to talk about anything related to being a Nerd. we tend to talk about cryptocurrencies and the latest developments in science art technology politics and economics. everyone is welcome and its free to join as long as you stay nerdy.

A word about myself. I'm known online as At0x.eth. Before being in crypto I became a M.D but took interest in data science and worked with a research group publishing several papers. Basically, I have always been a huge nerd. I used to play countless hours of WoW as a kid and have been running VR side hustles for over 5 years now.


I've been aware of blockchain for a long time but did only start participating around june 2020 because covid made me reconsider my carreer choice. When I first joined into crypto telegram madness, I found there was no room for deep technical discourse if it was not related to a "when pump" statement. In a space where "in it for the technology" is used as a joke I needed to create a group where we're really in it for the tech. a place for Nerds.

Enter The NerdQuarters🤓✉️🤓

The Nerdquarters is the core of the Nerd community. We have created an open source community where nerds come and share information to make sense of it together. It is also a place for newcomers to ask questions and avoid repeating the same mistakes we've already learned from.

As we have grown we have started to interact with alot of new tools for decentralized communities which have allowed us to coordinate to embark on several ventures. We dont need venture capital money because we do everything in house. We just want to have fun and experience the growth of the infinite machine.


The Nerd DAO is the on chain representation of the NERD commuinity. We created the DAO using EthOS. EthOS is a permissionless and decentralized governance protocol that allows anyone to create their own DAO with its own token, treasury and governance interface. We are one of the earliest external users of EthOS.

The Nerd DAO is not explicitly intended to be a for profit venture. The initial tokens were airdropped to members of the telegram chat. Over 80% of the supply is still held by the Treasury wallet. There are no insider backers and nobody has special privileges or access over the token. Furthermore the NERD Treasury owns the initial LP used for the token. However, we have undertaken for profit ventures in the form of products and services such as our Nerd Fungible Trust group investment and our upcoming [Redacted] trading platform which will pay fees to the DAO.

Through all these ventures and experiences we have learned a thing or two about how the metaverse is being built. We have also started to etch our own corned of the metaverse by starting to interconnect experiences and information through Web3 interfaces. As our network becomes more expansive we're starting to learn what the metaverse really is and how its different from the way we used to do things. As proof, here's a picture of our latest development meeting for one of our projects.

Nerd DAO Metaverse Manifesto

  • We believe that the Metaverse is a series of interconected experiences through which an individual can traverse while preserving their identity.

    • In that context we believe that the role of the Nerd DAO is to create and connect experiences for its members to traverse. We are here to buidl our corner of the Metaverse.
  • We believe that a metaverse is a place for human connection and therefore our goal is to make it enticing for people to inhabit our spaces in order to collaborate, play and learn together.

  • We know that the metaverse HAS to be fun. If the metaverse feels like work, you're not doing it right.

Nerd has no papers of incorporation, no headquarters, nor even a list of names and locations for its contributors

We follow Yearn's radical decentralization model. Which means that anyone can join up our community and contribute. Join the Nerdquarters chat! We are always talking about the daily happenings and there's plenty of people eager to explain away any questions others may have. Once you are there you can join our development groups or create your own and recieve help and guidance from the other nerds on how to apply your time to start your crypto adventure.

Nerds <3 EthOS

The purpose of the NERD delegation for ETHOs will be to create venues and opportunities to showcase the power of the ETHOS protocol as a tool to build an online community. By creating forkable products that solve different challenges nerds face (such as trustless bitcoin bridges or AI NFTs) we can increase useage of the EthOS protocol by enhancing the smart contract landscape of the base layer [what a sentence!!]

Adittionaly NerdDAO will spearhead the organization of a recurrent hackathon and digital event to showcase and support projects built with the EthOS stack. We will demonstrate how different problems can be solved using the codebase and have a dev team trained to create front ends for contracts deployed using EthOS factories.

Scope of the NERD Delegation

The purpose of the NERD delegation is to showcase EthereansOS protocol asa a tool to build decentralized communities. this includes several avenues:

1) Utilizing and showcasing the use of EthOS protocol on products developed by Nerd 2) Creating a starter kit to simplify developing interfaces with EthOS products 3) Organizing events to communicate the goals of the protocol, create products that leverage the EthOS stack and showcase products and communities built on it

· 5 min read

The Strudel Bridge

By eliminating the need for custodial control of assets that come with typical wrappers, the Strudel protocol trades off counter-party risk for market risk while using market dynamics, crypto-economic incentives, and cross-chain capabilities to maintain a pegged, scalable, and capital-efficient ecosystem. This one-of-a-kind economic approach offers average users and big money investors numerous options for monetary growth and grants more diversity and security to DeFi.

· 6 min read

"Oh ye seekers after perpetual motion, how many vain chimeras have you pursued? Go and take your place with the alchemists."

— Leonardo da Vinci, 1494

Perpetual motion is the motion of bodies that continues forever in an unperturbed system. A perpetual motion machine is a hypothetical machine that can do work infinitely without an external energy source. This kind of machine is impossible, as it would violate either the first or second law of thermodynamics or both.

Luckily for us we're dealing with the laws of crypto economics, not thermodynamics. The behavior of monetary systems can in fact be modeled using Physic's first principles and the inmaterial nature of it allows for the creation of systems that go beyon the constraints of the phisical world. However, the laws of thermodiamics offer a glimpse of what is required to create an infinitely sustainable monetary system, which in fact is a perpetual motion machine.

· 4 min read


What is NerdDAO🧠🧠🧠🤓?

In principle, it's a newsletter that's going to try and record NerdDAO Activity. Instead of "publishing" a periodical this is going to be a long form series of articles which can be accessed through🧠🧠🧠🤓. I'm going to try and get notable members of the Nerdquarters to contribute on a varied range of subjects.