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2 posts tagged with "AIUniverse"

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· 3 min read


As stated in our delegation proposal post our main goal is to showcase EthOS through easy to fork implementations of the protocol that showcase its power and help us drive the adoption of EthOS. With that in mind we have been working on several initiatives to do just that and keep building like we always have.

NerdOS x BuidlGuidl

EthOS-Scaffold Starter Kit

BuidlGuidl is a collective of web3 builders that use scaffold-eth as a common development framework. The BuidlGuidl is incentivizing builders to create using this framework via streams that are deliverded upon proof of continued work in a project.

In order to make it simple to start working with EthOS we are going to create a series of starter kits that can be forked into any product. We are going to start by creating a kit to have your own front end for your covenants farm.

BuidlGuidl Grant!

Our delegation recieved 10ETH in funding to bootstrap our development we will submit a proposal linking to this post to forward 2.5 ETH to the BuidlGuidl multisig in order to pay out a stream for builders who work with EthOS in their submitted builds. This includes helping out

NerdOS Delegation Developer funding

In order to be able to complete our stated goals we want to guarantee incentives for core contributors that can coordinate the work required to ship our deliverables. The funding we have recieved to bootstrap the delegation will be used to compensate the work done to as tracked through our deWork page. We will submit a coordinape report along with the proposal to retrieve the funds from the delegation.

Nerd Fungible Tokens

Nerds love NFTs. We have created 2 collections of 10,000 AI nfts and to explore the latest in Synthography. We have also used Items to create a trading fund which owns a checkmark doodle.

We are going to keep experimenting with Items in all of our products. We have designed to include the prompt as metadata attributes which allows us to use this collection to make our own Items. We plan to create incentivized pools for both Superheroes and Supervillains by deploying covenants that yield NERD tokens for liquidity provision on uniswapV3 using wrapped AI-Universe tokens.

NERD token updates

Over a longer period of time the intention is to migrate the NERD DFO into an EthOS guild. Until we can do that through the front end we will work on deepending the liquidity of the token by increasing the distribution through a set of covenants.

The goal of these farms is going to be to deepen the liquidity of the Nerd ecosystem as a whole including: $TRDL, vBTC, our structured products such as the vNFT fund. We also plan to incentivize liquidity for our upcoming ITEM decks using our latest collection @AI_UniverseNFT as well as @RegenzNFT


  • Scaffold-EthOS starter kits for Covenant farms
  • BuidlGuidl grant allocation for EthOS buidlrs
  • AI_Universe Decks for Univ3 liquidity incentives
  • NERD covenants & token distribution update

· 4 min read


The Observable Universe is finite, and it hasn't existed forever. It extends 46 billion light years in every direction from us. However, when telescopes fail our imagination can take us to infinity and beyond. A revolutionary new kind of camera was recently invented. Instead of turning light into pictures, it turns ideas into pictures using AI.This new kind of camera replicates what your imagination does. It receives words and then synthesizes a picture from its experience seeing millions of other pictures. the result is a synthograph (meaning synthetic drawing). With these synthographs we can explore the Infinite Universe.

Infinite Universe Alliance

The Infinite Universe Alliance is a collection of 10,000 unique Captains(and Gods!) that inhabit the Infinite Universe. The collection was created using a structured prompt with distinct elements that determine the NFT's attributes. We have spent over 400 hours of computing time and picked each output individually to imagine impossible and unique Superheroes, Supervillains and Gods that create a rich internal narrative that you can build on as you please.

We hope that this sets the stage for the community to collectively create a galaxy of stories in which these entities strive for survival, control and expansion throughout the Infinite Universe

How we did it

In order to create a cohesive collection we designed a structured prompt. Each part of the prompt is turned into a trait in the collection. In the table below we show some examples of how the prompts are structured.

Captain🔮 🐌robotSuperherochaotic neutral
CaptainincrediblewarriorSupervillianchaotic good
Captain🔥star---------------Superherochaotic neutral
God of🔥🍌------------------------------chaotic neutral

We started by determining whether it's a Captain or a God, then we chose their defining characteristics and the subject modifier. The subject modifiers were discovered in the process of generating thousands of variations. Examples of modifiers are robot, samurai, zombie. These keywords act as a filter for the AI which create a specific look that we can mix with the other portions of the prompt.

To maintain consistency, we divided all captains into either Superheroes or a Supervillains . Finally, we used the standard alignment chart made popular in tabletop RPG games to create a variety of unique outputs for each prompt. The result is a collection of 10,000 completely unique characters that share a consistent set of traits through which many different power levels themes and styles are represented.

Built in Provenance

A side effect of synthography is that every output contains a hash that corresponds to the Midjourney job ID that created it. This will also be encoded as an extra trait that will allow users to verify the provenance of the NFT down to the timestamp when it was created. The collection was generated over 10 days of nonstop spamming prompts between a few synthers that jammed off of each other ideas to create all the variety that we now present. Someone could determine who came up with the original zombie (Doug09 did) and then you can see them appear across the collection and become one of the features of the middle part of the generation. As more people joined in new concepts are included which are then explored by the group. Overall creating this collection has been an incredible experience in imagination, collaboration and creative expression.

THIS IS NOT A METAVERSE, it's an Infinite Universe

The NFT market is filled with projects selling you their "Metaverse". However, we believe that they're all wrong. A metaverse is a collection of universes you can traverse. We already live in the metaverse. It's made out of our base reality plus the Star Wars Universe, the Marvel Universe, the Bored Ape YC universe and so on. Maybe they dont know it, but they're all building their own Universe, which is a PART of THE Metaverse.

The purpose of the NFT collection is to establish a base cannon where all of the entities we created exist within the same Infinite Universe. That means that owning an NFT of this collection gives you the ability to tell a part of the story of the AI-U yourself. With synthography you can create an infinity of worlds, challenges and adventures for your character to explore. Collectively the sum of these stories will create the most awesome adventure ever told.



Twitter: @AI_UniverseNFT
