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2 posts tagged with "hacks"

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· 7 min read


A lot of innovation in crypto comes from the discorvery of novel revenue models and funding mechanisms. One only needs to look at the ICO craze and the NFT summer as examples of novel revenue models that brought a slew of new use cases to the ecosystem. Each of these mechanisms leveraged a property of decentralized networks to create never before seen capital transfers. However in time they also highlighted their weaknesses as market participants realized once again that there are no silver bullets.


Currently the entire crypto space is grappling with the problem of long term revenue streams. Both ICOs and NFT drops struggle after the main raise to keep revenue as volumes arent guaranteed in perpetuity and the market attention moves elsewhere. In the same vein, projects struggle to find mechanisms to gracefully capture value for their token or treasury without creating friction (and fork potential) for the entire protocol.

Lens-Power: Decentralized graphs as content distribution platforms.

Lens Protocol is NOT a social media app. It is a decentralized social graph. A Social Graph is a model representing relationships in a social network. In other words, Lens is the backend for all the web3 apps that want to use a social component.

Web 2.0 companies use social graphs to personalize content, exploit network effects, and analyze user behavior for insights. these companies, like Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, monetize the social graph by using your data and relationships to serve targeted advertisements and curated content, thereby influencing what you see and interact with, and often generating significant revenue in the process.

Decentralizing the social graph means users own and control their own data, enhancing privacy and enabling cross-platform interactions. This also means that users can monetize their own content however they see fit. Furthermore, it means that individual developers can create experiences that are distributed on the Lens graph thus opening the doors for a whole new class of software.

The Current State of the Lens Garden: A Web2 Remake.

As far as I can tell every product developed on lens so far has taken a web2 approach to the implementation of the social graph. This means that the available products right now are more or less recreating their Web2 counterparts such as:

Although this is a prefectly valid approach and these interfaces are very much needed, in my opinion they currently fail to fully capitalize on the best qualities of the lens protocol (Although they will be the most used interfaces for a long time).

How to Wield the Lens Powr

Behind the features that we all are familiar with on a social network lens has an added two extra tools that changes the game entirely: Collect, and Referral Fee.

Collect: Take The Power to Take.

With the collect module, the lens protocol gives the power to monetize the content to the content creator. In a nutshell, it allows posts to be purchased, much like an NFT mint, with predetermined conditions. Authors can make their content limited by time or edition size and they can split revenue among different participants, enabling trustless collaboration.

ReferalFee: Take The Power to Give

The referal fee is probably the most underappreciated feature in the entire protocol at the moment, perhaps because it is not immediately apparent how it works. In a nutshell if Bob posts something with a referal fee, then Alice shares Bob's post to her feed, and Steve, who follows Alice, collects it then Alice gets paid a % of the revenue that Bob has set as the referallFee.

The Smart Bot User.

One of the things that can be done using the lens protocol is to rethink the user as more than just a regular individual. If we abstract the Social Graph as a content distribution network. ( I post something, my followers see it, they share and their followers see it = content distributed ). A user can be seen as a node in this network and their followers are the list of nodes that "subscribe" to the user node.

In this regard. I believe that there is a new class of users: Smart Bot User that can leverage this new kind of network to provide serivces to other nodes and therefore turn into anchor points for the network.

What is a Smart Bot User? A Smart Bot User is a lens profile that is owned by a server or smart contract instead of an end user. This smart bot executes a predetermined logic that other users can call on however the developers see fit.

Users can rely on the smart bots to enhance their reach in the network. For example, by paying to get their posts shared or owning a group feed that can post to a greater number of nodes or post content to a curated feed that will reach their intended audience and enable the end user to monetize their own content. By adding collect modules that split revenue between users and smart bots and add a referal fee on top we can create a new business model enabled by decentralized social graphs. This is the basis for the curator economy. In it value can be extracted from content by distributing it widely on specialize dnetworks which distribute the value generated back to all participants.

Putting it in Practice: SavePointGPT.

To illustrate these ideas I created a project called SavePointGPT. SPGPT is an application that will take a chatGPT unique share link, encrypt it and post it on Lens alongside with a comment (hopefully) describing its contents. This enables any user to monetize their chatGPT conversations in a new medium: Dialogues.

The value of dialogue.

Arguably, the most powerful form of communication we have is dialogue. Not because it transmits information, but because it generates knowledge. For the first time in history we have this Aristotle like figure in LLMs that we can ask questions to and capture knowledge that we can share, just like Jimmy Neutron's chewable books dialogue chews knowledge into easily digestable bites that we can ingest.

Much like video cameras produce "moving pictures". ChatGPT conversations are "moving conversations". Users can reformulate questions and keep the thread going with the existing context in order to experience the thought process of the author as he conversed with the AI.

How its Done:

I'm using my trusty do-it-yourself web3 stack comprised of scaffold-eth as a NextJS/Typestcrypt framework and the Lens SDK to publish posts on lens.

The client and the server do input validation to make sure you're sharing the correct link format. Then it sends an encrypted post to the savePointGPT profile. using the LensSDK

Once the post is created a comment is automatically added to let everyone know what the hidden link is about. THe posts appear on ANY interfaced used by a user who follows this account. This makes SavePointGPT the best way to share and monetize your chatGPT dialogues.

The default split for every post sale is as follows:
  • Collect

  • 99% goes to the original poster
  • 1% goes to save-point-gpt

  • ReferalFee

  • 10% of the total sale is set as referalFee

Try it out!

Testnet link:


In the NerdQuarters we are commited to open source development. WIth that in mind we have to design for open systems. Instead of having a proprietary secret sauce i'm making the entire code available on my github. The output of the protocol is meant to serve as a building block: a unique identifier to a specific conversation with an AI. This could be used to create many things, such as online courses, , a dictionary, doctor prescriptions, escape room experiences, DnD adventures, interactive novels, school curriculums, etc. Aditionally I think that theres a need for many individual smart bots, each curating a thread of posts.

If you want to use this for your own ideas, let me know! I want to help.



Join the Nerds:

· 6 min read

From all over the world Nerds have travelled to Bogota, Colombia to participate in the EthBogota hackathon and DevCon. The hackathon has come to an end with over 900 hackers participating and over 200 projects made over a single weekend. It is the biggest hackathon ever in LatAm.

The main goal of these events is to connect Ethereans together and strenghen the community around creating cool stuff. I'd like to share my experience so that buidlers who are on the fence about participating in these events can get a sense of how cool it is to get together and buidl with buidlers in the same buidling.

Once you decide to go to a Hackathon you should start brainstorming about what you would like to buidl. It can literally be anything but I personally like to think about a specific problem i'd like to solve. At first it may feel like a pretty daunting task. But the most important thing about these events is that you're not alone. If you cant come up with anything its time to talk to other people and see what theyre trying to build and join the team that you find the most interesting. Although you can hack solo, you have way better chances if you join up with others that can complent your skillset and bring new ideas into the project. runs the hackathon events like a well oiled machine. You have plenty of avenues to reach out and connect to other people and there are several mentors available alongisde with the teams that sponsor the event in order to get more people to use their stack. I met my team members through the discord chat and after a team building event early on. At the event itself you have infinite coffee and plenty of food to keep you going throughout the weekend. ALthough the internet does get shoddy at times with all the npm installs going on.

Let the Hack Begin!

Once your team has been formed and the hackathon officially begins. Its off to the races. Every team has a different strategy, but there are some important things to consider. The goal of the event is to showcase an idea, not necesarily a production stage. You want to get to the proof of concept as soon as possible and then build extra functionalities on top. You can stay at the venue 24/7 and a big percentage of people do, but it is also important to pace youself so that you can do good presentations at the end.

An important thing to keep in mind is that you dont necesarly need to be a super coder to participate in these events. There is a lot of work to be done in any project around documentation, graphic design, product ideation and narrative that really makes a difference to make your project stand out.

The judging process for the hacks is very brief and you dont really get too much time to go over small details, so its important to get straight to the point and try to have a long lasting impression. At the end of the day the Hackathon is not about winning but rather sharing ideas and connecting to people. I hope more Nerds will start participating in these events soon. Here is our submission to the hackathon. If you find it interesting and would like to help out with this idea feel free to reach out at the NerdQuarters.

A community-based protocol to issue crypto-backed money



  • To create a system that communities can leverage to issue their own trustless paper money backed entirely by crypto deposits.
  • Onboard community leaders into crypto and enable them to lead by example in the adoption of web3.
  • To increase the transactability of Ethereum based products by introducing them into the heart of the Latin American community: the corner store. allowing recipients to purchase food and other vital supplies with crypto money



In order to gain mass adoption, Web3 protocols need to start with the simplest use cases in order to address the needs of a majority of the world's population. The singular most impactful use case for blockchains is to serve as money. Money has three main characteristics: it serves as a store of value, as a medium of exchange, and as a unit of account. These three characteristics are not independent of each other since once any kind of money has value it can be used to fulfill those three functions. However, we can argue that there are some forms of money that are better than others at one of these aspects while lacking in others.

Crypto vs Fiat as a Medium of Echange

FungibleRequires Onboarding

Ranking of the online banking penetration in Latin America and the Caribbean by Country 2020

Smartphone penetration in Latin America

How to leapfrog LatAm over Online Banking into Web3?

Do what Online Banking couldn't:

Replace fiat paper.

With Crypto Paper

Pitfalls ToDO & future work

1) Protect claims from frontrunning when supplying private & public key

- Future hash commit the withdraw transaction (a la ENS)
- ZK proof of ownership of secret pair for withrdrawal

2) Decentralize further by giving trusted community leaders the ability to issue new papers themselves

- PolygonId based reputation enables issuing allowance
- MPC to create a split secret that allows printing bills on regular printer at home

How to scale: Decentralize the printer

→ Corner stores are at the heart of Latin American communities

→ Store owners already provide several financial services: Cash in checks, pay for utilities, mobile phone plans

→ A reputation system can be implemented to represent existing trust on-chain

→ Trusted store owners can print papers as a service for customers who then add their balance


Join the Nerds: